The key outcomes of our work​

Discover our research papers, promotion materials, and much more​

Research publications

Articles from our team of experts

*No materials available yet

Download the Resource 2 in the botton bellow

Download the Resource 3 in the botton bellow

Download the Resource 3 in the botton bellow

Public deliverables

The reportable outcomes of our work

*No materials available yet


Certificate of spin-off incorporation


Website and Social Media accounts

Communication materials

Sharing our mission with the public

*No materials available yet

Place holder for Pdf's

Place holder for Presentations

Workshop materials

Resources from our events and activities

*No materials available yet

Download the files of the Workshop 1 in the botton bellow

Download the files of the Workshop 1 in the botton bellow

Download the files of the Workshop 1 in the botton bellow